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Clause 10: Improvement- Improving the 9001:2015 Quality Management System

ISO 9001:2015 Clause 10 Improvement describes the requirements for continual improvement in the quality management system by identifying nonconformities and taking corrective actions to recur the nonconformity by eliminating the root cause of the non-conformance. 

Key Requirements:

Clause 10 Improvement

Clause 10.1 General

Select opportunities for improvements that will enhance customer satisfaction such as improvements to products or services or improving the effectiveness of the QMS.

Clause 10.2 Nonconformity and corrective action

When nonconformities occur, react to them appropriately by controlling, correcting, or dealing with the consequences. Determine what the cause (learn about Root Cause Analysis) is of the nonconformity and take actions to ensure the nonconformity does not recur. After you have implemented these corrective actions, review them to ensure they were effective. Corrective actions will often require updating QMS processes and/or risks and opportunities determined during planning. Records describing nonconformities, actions taken, and the results of those actions must be kept.

Clause 10.3 Continual improvement

Continually improve your QMS. Consider using internal audits, management reviews, or company performance metrics to help identify opportunities for improvement. Continuous improvement examples include documenting a process, updating a procedure, 5S or implementing as a Six Sigma project.

Please note that certain text from the ISO 9001 standard is only used for instructional purposes. Standard Stores recognizes and respects the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) copyright and intellectual property guidelines.


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Customer Review:

"I have just passed my ISO-9001 Audit with zero non-conformances for the second year in a row using your ISO products to write my entire QMS. Thank you for producing documents of this quality"

Bettye Patrick

United Plating, Inc