Clause 8.2.1 Customer Communication
Clause 8.2.1 Customer communication addresses the many facets of customer communication including customer views and perceptions. When your organization is addressing the requirements for 8.2.1 some of the communication that should be observed is:
- The process for managing customer feedback and complaints
- Marketing information
- Quotes and order forms
- Confirmation of orders and amended orders
- Delivery notes and certificates of conformity
- Invoices and credit notes
- E-mail and general correspondence
- Site visit reports or notes to/from customer
To meet this requirement, you should ensure that your organization has established effective arrangements for providing customers with product information, a means of handling inquiries and orders and a method for handling customer comments – both compliments and complaints. When you establish processes for communicating with your customers, you should develop a process to control communications with customers, implement your customer communications process, ensure adequate communication and maintain detailed records.